You can’t reform a flesh-eating alien with cereal.
His name is Miles Melman. and as he'll tell you, losing an appetite for flesh is not easy if your diet is people.. This very zen, reformed creature discuses his new life and has Raisin Bran Crunch to thank for it. Miles captured the love of stand up comics and cereal lovers, with over 5 million unaided views in the first week. 3 puppeteers, a stand up comedian and a brilliant editor simultaneously and painstakingly brought Miles to life for a brand that said would never, ever, ever use an alien to sell cereal. However, it did take an autograph from Ozzy Osbourne to get it done.

As Miles grew in popularity and an appetite for more expanded he became a bit of a muse, offering his advice on dating, dieting, fitness and the culinary arts. The idea was to embed him into pop culture and position a cereal in places where Kellogg's would have never been able to have relevance.